The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92110   Message #1758161
Posted By: Sue the Borderer
12-Jun-06 - 01:47 PM
Thread Name: Folklore: Alcester Folk Festival
Subject: RE: Folklore: Alcester Folk Festival
I'll be there - complete with morris sticks and a few spare raggy jackets. We'll be dancing in the Holly Bush Gardens (like last year) "We" being Herbaceous Border, which is anyone who wants to do a bit of border morris - whether or not they've danced before.

I'll put up posters at the Holly Bush, the Greig Hall and elsewhere giving details - I promise to avoid the time/s when "Finest Kind" are singing. I believe they're only at Alcester on Sunday, but I don't know when.

A PM - or just a post here - from any musicians who might be willing to play would be brilliant.
