The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91942   Message #1758290
Posted By: Clinton Hammond
12-Jun-06 - 04:23 PM
Thread Name: BS: McDonald's or Burger King
Subject: RE: BS: McDonald's or Burger King
"Jeezuz! You are a cranky bugger!"
If that means I'm not gonna roll over for you, you're right.... I am....

"I don't need anything"
You must need something.... or you'da left when you said you were leaving the first 4 times..... I suspect that MGs theory about some Catters and their apparent pathological need for conflict has some substance after all.....

So, well, you want us to take you at your word that Burger King provides good food? Back it up with some facts.... cause all the facts out here so far say that it's exactly the same fast food crap as Wendys/McDonalds/Arbys/Pizza Hut/Subway/Taco Bell.....

All your attempts at deflection haven't changed that one iota.