The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91946   Message #1758617
Posted By: dianavan
13-Jun-06 - 12:54 AM
Thread Name: BS: Islamic terrorists arrested in Ontario
Subject: RE: BS: Islamic terrorists arrested in Ontario
I am almost sure that none of these so-called terrorists will ever be convicted because the defense lawyers are saying there is absolutely no chance of a fair trial and too many people (including the Prime Minister) have already judged them to be terrorists.

So great! - it will probably be thrown out of court.

Isn't that convenient. Make a big show (knowing they are innocent or that they don't have enough evidence) so that 'security certificates' and holding people without charging them will seem like a good idea for the future.

Just another way to scare the public into accepting the loss of basic rights and freedoms.

I believe that these men were extremists but I am not so sure that it wasn't a set up. After all, it was the RCMP who delivered the fertilizer. The fact that the RCMP accomodated the plans to build a bomb makes you wonder if the extremists could have purchased that much fertilizer without detection.

In any event, we will probably never know if these men are guilty or not but the damage has already been done. Canadian people are now wondering if we might need more laws and stricter law enforcement. I think that was the idea in the first place. Guilt or innocence doesn't really matter anymore. The goal is to take another step closer to a police state.