The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92205   Message #1759643
Posted By: Bobert
14-Jun-06 - 08:23 AM
Thread Name: BS: Bush to Sell Lincoln Memorial???....
Subject: BS: Bush to Sell Lincoln Memorial???....
Wel, gol danged... What next???

Apparently the latest way to pay for the Bush taxcuts is to sell off national assests...

Yep, looks as if one onf Bush's buddies who is now Indiana's governor, is going to lease out the Indiana Toll Road to foriegn investors...

(But, Bobert... He's only leasing it... Not atcually selling it..)

Hey, it's a 75 year lease, gol danged it... As far as anyone alive today who is of driving age is concerned he might as well have sold it...

What isn't in question is the Bush administration's willingness to let American assests be pawned to cover the fat tax cuts that went to the wealthiest folks...

Bush's Transportation Secretary, Norman Y. Mineta, when asked about the idea of letting foriegn ivestors tie up the nation's assests said, "We are inviting more more people to the table and saying 'Bring money when you come'".

Oh, these wacky Bushits...
