The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92205   Message #1759701
Posted By: Bobert
14-Jun-06 - 09:20 AM
Thread Name: BS: Bush to Sell Lincoln Memorial???....
Subject: RE: BS: Bush to Sell Lincoln Memorial???....
I remember havin' this discussion about privatization back in college with a Goldwater Republican... Even back then he was in favor of turning over many of the things that the government provides to private companies so this is nuthin' new...

But the bottom line is that it makes some things, such as roads, inacsessable to those who don't have the income to use them... Not to mention that it it is terribly regressive in nature...

Case in point:

Laborer uses the Greeway to get to his job in NoVa...

Two way trip = $6.00
Laborers daily income @ $12.00 per hour = $96.00 per day
% of gross income to use road = 6.25%

Lobbiest uses same road to get to his job in NoVa...

Two way trip = $6.00
Lobbiest daily income @ $100.00 per hour = $800.00 per day
% of gross income to use road = .075%

And this regressive nature is going to be found where ever government services are turned over to private companies...

This is nuthin' more than yet another reshifting or wealth away from the poor and working class to the rich...
