The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92205   Message #1759732
Posted By: The Fooles Troupe
14-Jun-06 - 09:44 AM
Thread Name: BS: Bush to Sell Lincoln Memorial???....
Subject: RE: BS: Bush to Sell Lincoln Memorial???....
Ah yes, the wanker anonymous GUEST displaying his usual Bushie fatuous ignorant arrogance again...

Little Johnny has pushed thru "Worker's Rights" which allow him to boast that a 2 cents and hour increase (which is given for losing all penalty rates and being forced to work weekends and public holidays without penalty rates - thus losing thousands a year!) has made people better off financially!

Also that being sacked from your Permanent job without explanation, then being asked to reapply for your old job as a now Temporary with a massive wage cut and loss of all other benefits has 'improved Workers Conditions'.

The Parliament Broadcast the other day was surreal, Little Johnny berating the Labour Opposition (the traditional worker's friend) that his IR policies have now made HIM the worker's friend...

Johnny has fudged the unemployment stats - now you only need an hour 'employment' a fortnight to be classified as 'not unemployed', and part time and temporary jobs are starting to outnumber full time and permanent ones.

By refusing to fund training for young people (it is now on a 'user pays' basis), Johnny now has to import foreign workers to fill jobs that employers will not give to local kids because they have had no training - and Johnny is bringing in foreigners for FREE TRAINING ...

So, on a practical basis, jobs are unobtainable for many people here now...

Rant on Bushie!