The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82879   Message #1760217
Posted By: Bobert
14-Jun-06 - 07:30 PM
Thread Name: BS: Is Karl Rove a Big Fat Liar???
Subject: RE: BS: Is Karl Rove a Big Fat Liar???
Well, well, well...

So Rove now says he forgot talkin' with Matt Cooper??? His first story was that he didn't talk with him...

Then "Exhibit A", an email, confirmed that he lied, intentionally or unintentionally...

Oh, I forgot... Hmmmmmm?

"Okay, seein' as you got therse emails, yeah, looks as if I did talk with Matt Cooper afterall... I forgot about that..."

Yeah, he's a big fat liar and the American people have just seen the largest whitewashing since, ahhhhhhh, maybe never....
