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Thread #92205   Message #1760230
Posted By: The Fooles Troupe
14-Jun-06 - 07:50 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bush to Sell Lincoln Memorial???....
Subject: RE: BS: Bush to Sell Lincoln Memorial???....
Anonymous Wanker GUEST of 14 Jun 06

I live in Australia.

Johnny is trying on that bullshit here too, but even the media is starting to crack and not follow 'the party line' - even some Govt backbenchers are making noises about not believing 'the party line' on that too - as some of them are involved with Charities, who are saying that the opposite is true, and since the Govt is trying to push Welfare on to the Churches here, they are not taking it quietly as they see things getting WORSE, not better, as the Govt BS line claims.

I even heard Joe Hockey (relevant Federal Minister) the other day, SAY on the radio that since the Churches claim that they have a duty from God to help the poor, they should just shut up and get on with it and stop pestering the Govt for money for that!