The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92205   Message #1760262
Posted By: GUEST
14-Jun-06 - 08:39 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bush to Sell Lincoln Memorial???....
Subject: RE: BS: Bush to Sell Lincoln Memorial???....
Okay, Foolstroupe, I really thought you were a Yank talking about the US. I am not up on the situation in Australia as I have difficulty keeping up here. Not keeping up if truth be known. So, somewhat of an apology is tendered towards you.

I will not know for sure if GWB mucked things up until another decade has past. I am of the opinion that things for most are very good here. I know we have our poor and downtrodden. Had those 50 years ago and will still have them 50 years from now. Same catagories, different inhabitants. I have worked some with them and am convinced, under present conditions, that it will never change. This country has created a group of people who no longer know how to care for themselves and, in many cases, have no desire to due to the welfare society we have created. The dole is here and it no longer represents the "leg up" or an extended period of help as was originally intended. The present scandal involving the help given to the Katrina victims and their misuse of same is a prime example.

Just too many people in a mindset that their benefits are to come directly from the government.
