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Thread #82879   Message #1760279
Posted By: Arne
14-Jun-06 - 08:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: Is Karl Rove a Big Fat Liar???
Subject: RE: BS: Is Karl Rove a Big Fat Liar???

And Arne, Many have been asking for months for one source that could prove that Rove lied. Or "made a false statement". A source please, not an opinion or a couple of people who surmise that.

You may not believe the source here, but:
For one, according to the sources close to the investigation, the likelihood that Rove will be charged with perjury centers on the fact that Rove has testified at least three times that he first discovered that Plame worked for the CIA after her name was printed in a July 2003 newspaper report by conservative columnist Robert Novak. Evidence has since surfaced that shows Rove spoke to Novak about Plame prior to Novak's published report in which Novak outed the undercover CIA officer.

Moreover, Rove did not disclose that he had also been a source for a story about Plame written by Time magazine reporter Matthew Cooper, and Rove testified that he was not involved in a campaign to discredit or attack the credibility of Plame's husband, Ambassador Wilson, when at least two dozen witnesses have testified before the grand jury that Rove was in fact instrumental in the smear campaign on Wilson.
But Google "Cooper", "Rove", "Plame" and such. Ask, and you shall receive.

Here's a more conventional source. Keep in mind that none of this is first hand source, but Robert Luskin is Rove's attorney, and should know a bit about what Rove has said.
