The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86416   Message #1760300
Posted By: Bobert
14-Jun-06 - 09:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: KatrinaGate
Subject: RE: BS: KatrinaGate...
LOL, Rufe...

Allison Young, reporter for Knight Ritter and author of an article entitled "Chertoff Delayed Federal Response, Memo Shows"... These are her words and she makes her living reseraching the stuff that neither you nor I have the time to research:

"Well, the entire response has been intersting, hearing all of the finger pointing about the lack of command and control on the ground in the hurricane zone during Katrina. In January of this year, the Department of Haomeland Security unveiled their National Response Plan. This was supposed to be a blueprint in this post-Septmeber 11 world for how we were going to deal with a massive catastrophe. While certainly terrorism was an emphasis behind this document, it very clearly says that this is to be used when you have a major catastrophic natural disaster, such as a hurricane.

What's surprising is, when you listen to the testimony yesterday by the former FEMA director, it seems to be in conflict with what the pane calls for in a catastrphe, where locals have become overwhelmed by the situation, both in terms of resources and the structure, that the federal governemnt is supposed to take a proactive- take proactive steps to protect the lives of of citizens. And it says that all the standard procedures fro requiring requests can be waived in these kinds of situations, and while federal asuthorities are supposed to notify. if they can, and coordinate with staes, it says, in the plan, that the coordination process should not delay or impede the rapid mobilization and deployment of critical federal resources...."

(Interview with Aliaon Young, Septmber 28, 2005, Pacifica Radio)

Now to Governor Blanco:

"Among the more that 100,000 pages of newly released records, which ranged from after-action reports to hand-scrawled notes written at the height of the storm, are memoes showing Blanco frustrated and angered over delays in evacuations and the slow delivery of promised federal aid.

'We need everything you've got,' Blanco is quoted in a memo as telling President Bush on August 29, the day Katrina made landfall. But despite assurances from the federal Emergency Management Agency that 500 buses were 'standing by,', Blanco's aides were compelled to to take action when the buses failed to materialize, documents show...

(There's mush more in a Washington Post story of December 4, 2005 written by Jody Warrick, Spencer S. Hsu and Anne Hull entitled "Blanco Releases Katrina Records")

Hmmmmmmm, Rufe???

These are some purdy danged good journalist who make their liovings doing the hard research... Hey, if you want to jusy go and call them liars, hey, it's a fee country but...

...seems like the ball is in your court...

Ahhhh, as fir P-Gator... What yer fascination with the poor guy??? Like does he, as one home owner, represent the heartbeat of NO??? I just don't understand yer logic in constantly bring him up as if he were the second coming... Maybe, while yer mulling over what I have written here you will elaborate on his importance in Bush's response to Katrina??? Por favor...
