The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86416   Message #1760319
Posted By: Bobert
14-Jun-06 - 10:08 PM
Thread Name: BS: KatrinaGate
Subject: RE: BS: KatrinaGate...
Yo, rufe...

We have one danged Mudcatter from NO and you want to put him on some pedistal and worship his every burp... Like what it that all about, pal???

Hey, I don't speaek for NO any more than you do and anymore that P-Gator does so what is the deal here... As far as debating points, this is a "zero" for yer side...

And rather than talk about what oviously overwhelmed local and state governemtns did lets get back to the Alaison's Young's obseravations here... Some things are too big for local governemnts to handle... Do you have any experience with local governments, budget processes, ect in these days of fewer and fwer federal dollars going back to state and local governemnts???

Yeah, just answer that one... You been in budget hearings and work sessions??? I have and guess what, pal.. It ain't too purdy...

Like after paying for the basics, local governments ain't got no extra dough for first responders... Sates don't either... The Council of zGovernors has been begging for dough from Bush but guess what... Bush writes checks like a man with no arms when it comes to much more than the DoD and their contractors...

You, my frind, are not livin' in the real world... You haven't been payin' attention to the dollar drain in state and local governments that have occured since 2000!!!

Ask any Governor, Republican or Democart... They'll tell you... Ask any mayor of a large city... Thay'll tell you...

And yopu expect these governments to have all that extra cash to do what FEMA used to do??

You are not living in the real world...

Go attend yer local city council meeting and get educated...
