The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86416   Message #1760665
Posted By: Bobert
15-Jun-06 - 11:04 AM
Thread Name: BS: KatrinaGate
Subject: RE: BS: KatrinaGate...
Here's what P-Gator said (paraphrased) in rrgards to Katrina:

"Fortunately we lived on the 2nd floor so most of our good stuff wasn't damaged... The first floor, however, where we stored a lot of stuff was flooded out and everything is ruined, including the wallboard. It'm going down there to see what I can salvage and to collect a few things then I'm going back to New Jersey to take care of my mom..."

That's 'bout the crux of the discussion.. It's puzzeling that anyone would find any meat in that that could be used to prove any point or that anyone would promote poor ol' P-Gator to some kinda Katrina guru or see-er who is the end all authority on Bush's failures...

That conversation occued last October and I haven't had any further contact with P-Gator since...

Now, whoever wants to pour thru the contents of our discussion, which I think was rather mondane, for debating nuggets, have at it...

As fir "mainstream sh*theads", Rufe, this thread began well before "mainstream sh*theads" arrived at this story... It was done thru hard work and many hours of reading all kinds of stuff from Google search, from personal stories, to obscure articles, to less obscure articles, then to Googling stuff like National Response Plan, flood control, FEMA, DHS, etc...

This was before Michael Brown's 2nd trip to Congress for intense questioning... This was before the discussion of the organization of DHS and FEMA became common discussions... This was before the subject became vouge...

I know from the ill-informed rebuttals, if you can call them that at all, that there is no one on the Bush side of the fence who has evn scrathed the surface in familiarizing themselves with the real "facts" involving the original positions that I laid out and thus a string of persoanl attacks against me for having put in the time it takes to research an issue and make an argument...

Katrina ain't about me, Rufe... If you think it is go back an reread the original post of this thread... It's about a a series of failures within the Bush administartion... He's the CEO and the job didn't get done in accordance with his own folks National Response plan...

I guess if I were assigned your side to debate, however, seein' as there little there to defend, I might use the same tactics as many anonomous GUEST's have used... Second thought, I'd ask the debate coach if I could just take a pass and iof he or she said "no", I'd quit the debate team...

But, Rufe, and others keep them personal attacks comin'... With each and everyone of them you are just proving that you ain't got no real defenses...

BTW, we all do what we can... I donated as much money to the Red Cross as I could afford... Plus I played two benefit concerts, one in Northern Virgina and the other here in Luray...
