The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92226   Message #1760674
Posted By: Susu's Hubby
15-Jun-06 - 11:12 AM
Thread Name: BS: Inconvenient truths for Libs
Subject: RE: BS: Inconvenient truths for Libs
"I still wonder what "Bumper Sticker" bobert has on the back of his pickup."


I don't know if Bobert has a pickup or not. but I have read that he has a SUV. Oh...the horror.

Bobert, you should be ashamed. You're destroying your environment. You're polluting the air. You're causing the earth to warm unnecessarily whenever you could be driving a safer vehicle.

Give me a break.

I'm glad Bobert has the right to choose on whatever the hell he wants to drive. If a SUV is the right thing for him and his wife then great. Susu drives a SUV by choice and she drives 80 miles a day.(While of course, dodging livestock in the road.) We use four tanks of gas a week between her vehicle and mine. It's our choice. Soon, we will give those vehicles to our kids to drive and go out and buy another V8 SUV for her and another V8 pickup for me.

If at some point, a cleaner fuel burning vehicle comes along with the capacity to do what my V8 pickup will do and at the same or cheaper price, then I may look into buying one.

That's the convenient truth.

Happy SUV'ing Bobert. Hope you and your wife enjoy it.
