The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86416   Message #1761172
Posted By: GUEST
16-Jun-06 - 03:33 AM
Thread Name: BS: KatrinaGate
Subject: RE: BS: KatrinaGate...
Dear O'Bobert:

#1 Unless you got some kinda gag order, anythin and everythin to do with Katrina is pertinent ta this here thread you started, other wise you done illegally put Katrina in tha name.

#2 I never appointed anybody to anythin. I wanted to see if somebody from NO ahrees with you. Does Poppagator? Did he say Bush Blew itwif no mention of the local gummint?

Personal attacks by O'Bobert:
"Bush-heads, T-Head included"
"All the crap you are saying is just that: crap"
"Waht don't you get about that???: How many time do I have to point that out to you before it sinks into yer bone-head???"
"knothead Bushites"
"Weell, it's like arguin' with a couple friggin' retards, as far as I can see it... The two of them don't have 'nuff I.Q. points to take on a box of animal crackers."
"Freud would have a field day with these two"
"You sound like some prize-fighter whio has both eyes bloodied and is just flailin' way a air"
"The dumb shit who said there were WMDs in Iraq,"
"Well, no, I haven't" quacks the quaster"

O'Boberts bad language:
"They say the same dumbass stuff over and over and over like it's true????"
"Then you get these two knotheads who are either just making sh*t up or are gettin' sh*t that is made up for them from some Bushite blog and it's, quite frankly, purdy danged pathetic"
"It doesn't matter a rat's ass"
"Who gives a rat's ass about Blanko"
"if you don't have the balls"

O'Bobert's hypocrisy:
"missing the big piccure"
"name calling by you and the other "couragous" GUESTS"

O'Boberts attempt to control the discussion to suit himself:
"there are some premises that I laid down that superceed yer arguments"

O'Bobert wanderin off of the topic he demands everybody else (cept his buds) must stick to:
"Once upon a time, a very bad thing happened and some angry people from Saudi Arabia hyjacked 4 American Airliners and flew 2 of the into buildings in New York, 1 into the Pentagon and the last airliner crashed in a Pennsylvania woods. This occured on September 11th and so it has since just been referred to as "Nine Eleven"