The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #17953   Message #176125
Posted By: Peg
10-Feb-00 - 10:05 AM
Thread Name: mcmoo & Peg photo pages up at bbc's
Subject: RE: mcmoo & Peg photo pages up at bbc's
I get carded all the time. Mainly cuz in Massachusetts they claim they card anyone that looks under 30. I think this is dumb, since the drinking age is 21. Also, it being such a college town, there's lots of underage drinkers about...I dress kinda young, too, and wear my hair in that long, hippie, Ren Faire style associated with perpetual youth... But I also occasionally get carded buying a pack of clove cigarettes or something... it's a pain, but I suppose the time to complain will be when I stop getting carded... what burns me more than anything is when a clerk in a store or whatever calls me "ma'am" instead of "miss"---grrrrrr...