The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92147   Message #1761294
Posted By: Ruston Hornsby
16-Jun-06 - 08:33 AM
Thread Name: English Dance & Song Mag
Subject: RE: English Dance & Song Mag
I saw the magazine last Wednesday, and yes, the cover did strike me as giving a rather staid and dated image, but on the other hand I'm more concerned about the possibility about it going down a route of "young and attractive" only. Would it/could it ever actually do that? Folk music and superficial people don't tend to go together in my view. To be honest, the thing that struck me most about the magazine was the refreshing lack of photos of children being dragged through "folk" activities which seem to have dominated in the editions in recent years. As one who has never believed that the involvement of children is somehow safeguarding the future, I always felt that the magazines apparent love of this aspect was as pointless as....only putting young and attractive folkies on the cover.