The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92263   Message #1762134
Posted By: Liz the Squeak
17-Jun-06 - 08:52 AM
Thread Name: BS: Getting rid of flies
Subject: RE: BS: Getting rid of flies
Get yourself a pet chameleon.....

Use a fine gauze fabric rather than a net for window screens... lets the air in but keeps the little bugs out. You can support it over a wide mesh metal screen if you want to make a screen door... available in many fantastic colours and shimmers, you can co-ordinate or go for plain white.

Make a fly trap with sugar water in a bottle - they can fly in but somehow not out - be careful though, it attracts wasps and bees too, so you may end up with honey bees trapped, or a bottle of wasps. If you do end up with a bottle of wasps, simply cork the end, wrap some guitar strings lengthwise along the bottle and you have a simple yet effective hurdy gurdy.

Hope you get some relief... we have a fly chasing kitten and a rolled up copy of the Radio Times... works for us!

(I used to work in a kitchen where flies were a real problem... it got so I could snap them out of the air with a damp dishcloth.... out of practice now though!)