The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89103   Message #1762978
Posted By: Jerry Rasmussen
18-Jun-06 - 03:10 PM
Thread Name: Sitting At The Kitchen Table
Subject: RE: BS: Sitting At The Kitchen Table
The Cold Water Society was a teetotaler organization which required taking the "Cold Water Pledge" never to let anything stronger than water cross your lips. The Founder of Milton was a member of the Cold Water Society and started the town as a Utopian community where all alchoholic beverages were banned. He deed a large park in the center of the town with the stipulation that there would never be a tavern in Milton. Some enterprising (and thirsty) residents eventually started Milton Junction... a suburb of a town with no more than three or four hundred people, so that they could have a bar. In the 70's, a young lawyer researched town records and could find no legal restriction on bars, a vote was taken legalizing alchohol in Milton, Milton Junction was assimilated into Milton and no longer exists, and someone built a bar called the Park View, overlooking the Park donated by the town's founder with the promise that no liquor would ever be consumed in the town.

It made an interesting song.

Last line of the song, in honor of the town's founder..

"If your worth your salt you'll hold on to your dreams
They're still the best measure of man."
