The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86416   Message #1763330
Posted By: GUEST,Rufus
18-Jun-06 - 11:23 PM
Thread Name: BS: KatrinaGate
Subject: RE: BS: KatrinaGate...
I agree he said his job is to pertect the American people, you too, even tho you focus yore destructive lazer beam on him in yore narry little mind.

I don't member him pumpin out hiz chest at any time. An it didn't sound like no boast ta me. That's in yore mind. Jus some o yore retric that ya like ta add to tha facts and repeat it over an over so as to brain wash folks inta thinkin its fact.

An ya can repeat "not one intellegent rebuttal" bout a hundred times or so an it ain't gona make what don't exist, exist. Ain't nobody goint to disputerate them fax ya dug up. What ya is gonna find is folks that objects to havin the local inept, corruted govnmint / first responders exonerated, gardless of whether you claim it ain't in the opening whatever or in the limits thet you have declared. If Katrina in tha name then anythin about Katrina is on topic.

Ya don't mind getin off topic long enuf to rant bout Fox news do ya?

No iz there any other question I done missed? If not spoze you start 'splainin bout how FEMA got screwed up cause ya haz talked bout DHS an FEMA umpteen times but only the parts ya needs to prove your nanometer wide needle point Bush attack that you thinks makes you so smart to conjure up.

An then ya acuze others of missin tha big piccure. Sheeit. A ant would go blind tryin to see yore piccure.