The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92110   Message #1763831
Posted By: muppitz
19-Jun-06 - 01:17 PM
Thread Name: Folklore: Alcester Folk Festival
Subject: RE: Folklore: Alcester Folk Festival
I had a nice relaxing festival, although I ended up sleeping outside my tent from 7am Saturday morning as it was too hot to stay inside!
I managed to change my skin colour a little, ended up serving a few drinks in the food tent Friday & Saturday nights, discovered via a newspaper article that I WOULD pass my Maths GCSE again, saw some cracking shows, Dan McKinnon being my favourite... erm .... oh yes, (I was an artist wasn't I?) and my two sets were pretty good too!
Thank you to everyone who came to see me and thank you for the kind words!

muppitz x