The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92337   Message #1763844
Posted By: GUEST,old hand!
19-Jun-06 - 01:51 PM
Thread Name: Tips for singer/songwriters
Subject: RE: Tips for singer/songwriters
I know you are in 'Ernest' when you set these guide lines. (I'm sorry no pun was intended) I see where you are coming from, BUT you can't set guide lines as tight as these! Every concert, session, performance is different!Tuning your instrument doesn't ALWAYS mean 'tuning your instrument'! use it as a way to involve or introduce yourself or a quieter mood to your audience!Slip in a personal joke about yourself or how you came by the tune or song you are about to play. Sing your own compositions!! unless you do how are others ment to hear them? BUT build up the back ground to the song,as the song will lead into! ie: a funny or light hearted ballad, Joke about how it came to be composed or something light hearted enough to have the audience titter and 'keen' to hear the song. The same (or similar) should it be Political, sad, whatever!
Ernest, you are correct in what you are saying BUT don't be too rigid in the way you perform. NOT two performances are ever alike!!! Please don't think I am being too critical. This a good thread and one long over due. Well done OH. (old hand)