The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72319   Message #1764070
Posted By: Little Hawk
19-Jun-06 - 06:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: Matter and Spirit
Subject: RE: BS: Matter and Spirit
It merely seems probable to me, Bill, based on a lifetime of varied experience and association. It did not seem probable when I was a 15-year-old. I was an atheist at 15, and I believed in nothing but conventional science. With the passage of time that changed. For you to understand why, you would have to have lived my life. All of it.

Your belief that there is no soul is just as subjective and arbitrary as any other opinion out there about the matter. It is not based on evidence, it's based on an emotional predisposition on your part. You'd rather believe that what you can't see or measure on any manmade instrument (as far as you know) doesn't exist.

But you don't know it doesn't. You don't, in fact, know anything about it. Your belief is based on an arbitrary prejudice, and you're happy with your belief.

None of us knows everything, but everyone seems to enjoy acting as if they did. That's how emotional insecurity plays itself out in people, and it is the source of much prejudice and strife.