The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86416   Message #1764173
Posted By: Bobert
19-Jun-06 - 08:57 PM
Thread Name: BS: KatrinaGate
Subject: RE: BS: KatrinaGate...
Yeah, Amos, I read this in the Past this past weekend...

Seems that American cities aren't up to evacuatin' inspite of National Response Plans and all the boastin' by the Bushites about what a great job they've done in making the country safer...

They haven't done jack...

Oh yeah, R%ufe the Goof will argue that local governments are the problem but, no...

... local govrenments are having to take up the slack in paying for stuff that feds, under Bush, says they ain't interested in funding anymore... First repsonders included...

Yeah, Bush can talk the talk but he ain't into walkin' the walk... He has cut, cut, cut federal money that has traditionally gone beack to the state and local governemtns to fund is absolutely stupid and evil war against the Iraqi people, mostly women and children....

And he's made danegd sure that his campaign contributors have been taken care of very well...

So, seems there's just not a lot of money left for the states, otehr than pork barrel projects for thisd Republican House of Reps. folks to try to buy another couple of years of corrupt power...

Yo, Rufe... Had a terrorist cell devistated any American city, lets say with a nuclear device, Bush wouldn't have been anymore prepared... He has talked a good game but bottom line, his folks haven't doen the heavy lifting that is required to put real operational plans in place...

This is the crux of my citicism of the Bush administration...

After 9/11 they had a wonderful opportunity bothe here and abroad to be a great adminstration but they choze to raid the the treasury rather than do what needed to be done...

