The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72319   Message #1764724
Posted By: Little Hawk
20-Jun-06 - 12:09 PM
Thread Name: BS: Matter and Spirit
Subject: RE: BS: Matter and Spirit
Right, Bill. So you have an emotional ax to grind on the matter...and that's why it pushes my buttons. I can feel your emotional ax. It's disturbing to my peace of mind.

Clinton has an even bigger emotional ax of that sort than you do...far bigger in fact...and it makes him very aggressive, hostile, callous, insulting, and dismissive toward anyone who believes in or expresses interest in something that he doesn't believe in.

Behind such an emotional ax is a past pain or fear of some kind, covered over with armour, and that armour expresses itself in an attack upon whatever reminds him of what caused the original pain or fear.

You have stated yourself that you are worried that people will be "hurt, deluded, cheated, misled, misinformed, tricked, lulled, and otherwise fed concepts, beliefs and dubious information that creates much of the worlds woes."

That worries you bigtime! Well, it worries me too, Bill, but I guess not quite as much as it worries you...or I don't spread it around quite so widely as you do. I worry about religious fundamentalists and false gurus cheating and misleading people, sure! But I don't worry about every person in the world who believes in the soul or life after death or reincarnation cheating people. It would be damn silly to worry about that, in my opinion. Most people who believe in the soul or reincarnation or life after death are not out to mislead or cheat anyone and they are totally harmless...and they may be right.

I worry about governments misleading people. I worry about advertisors misleading people. I do not worry about someone who swears he saw a sasquatch in the woods misleading people. LOL! What harm can he possibly do?

I do not worry about someone who says he saw an alien vehicle misleading people. (I saw what I believe was probably alien vehicles on 2 occasions.) Even if he is mistaken...or whatever...what harm can it do?

Bill, I think your worrying is being aimed in unproductive and rather trivial directions, that's what I think. Worry about stuff that actually matters. Worry about religious cult leaders, governments, business people, lawmakers, people with the power to affect others in large numbers...don't waste your time worrying about every private individual who believes he has a soul or thinks he has seen a sasquatch or an alien vehicle.

Get your priorities in order, that's what I say.