The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92122   Message #1765263
Posted By: khandu
21-Jun-06 - 12:42 AM
Thread Name: BS: Will this thread ever have 5000 posts?
Subject: RE: BS: Will this thread ever have 5000 posts?
I finally mustered the nerve to approach the Great and Honored Harry Lee Wigley about this thread and asked him his opinion regarding the possibility of it reaching 5000 posts.

The Great and Honored Harry Lee Wigley looked at me with his knowing, but sad eyes and spake with a voice heavy with wisdom and said, "I am, therefore, I think."

Then the Great and Honored Harry Lee Wigley said, "khandu, hear my words and believe what I say...'Goddamn mad dog' is a palindrome. So is 'no, it is opposition'. But, 'palindrome' is no palindrome."

Then the Great and Honored Harry Lee Wigley hiked a leg and farted prodigiously and said, "Damn, that smells fragrant!"

Then he grabbed me and started choking my neck and crying, crying like a damned schoolgirl and said, "Ponder deeply what I have said, for, indeed, I have given you the answer regarding the possibility of the thread reaching 5000 posts."

Then he farted again.
