The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86416   Message #1766195
Posted By: GUEST,Rufus
22-Jun-06 - 12:36 AM
Thread Name: BS: KatrinaGate
Subject: RE: BS: KatrinaGate...
I done answered yore question severl times but you act like I ain;t so yaa don't have ta answer.

O'Bobert: "No disrespect meant, it just seems that you ahve become very obsessed with details and missing the big piccure"

What big piccure are ya talkin about O'Bobert?? Are ya just gonna give us that fine details ya are obsessed with?

567 posts on this here thread an O'Bobert still can't or won't tell us how FEMA got ta be part of DHS an why.

Either he don't know or he 'fuses cause it will make him look stupid.

Cmon Mr expert, Mr. researcher show us your inteligence cause yore silence demontraits tha lack thereof.

"The 3 of you is all the same person" nuther WRONG pissant excuse fer not answerin a 100% on topic question.