The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92418   Message #1766409
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish
22-Jun-06 - 08:03 AM
Thread Name: Free Seth Lakeman Music
Subject: RE: Free Seth Lakeman Music
Seth Lakeman is SO getting to you all isn't he!!!

It's truly magnificent!!

He even made it on to Radio One the other day as well...He's all over the place, everywhere you look, every magazine cover...and according the BBC boards, he's just been signed up by EMI....

Rock On Seth!!

Oh...and over on my Myspace page, someone contacted me to say that they heard Seth's music playing on there the other day (I change it often)...and she was so impressed she downloaded all three of his CDs from iTunes and sent his site on to some more of her friends in the USA!

And here is that very message:

>>>>From:   Shane

Date: 29 May 2006 10:42 Flag spam/abuse. [ ? ]
Subject: Seth Lakeman
Body: Thanks for being here. I sometimes just click on friends and listen to the music. I just bought all three Seth Lakeman CDs from iTunes. As soon as they finish DLing, I will take them outside with me. (It's a three day weekend in the US.)

I also shared his myspace URL with two musician friends.

Anyway, just wanted to let you know that your site is doing its part in getting good musicians heard.<<<<<<

YAY!! You just can't keep a good man down can you guys!

Lizzie :0)