The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92423   Message #1766899
Posted By: katlaughing
22-Jun-06 - 04:45 PM
Thread Name: My second REAL gig!
Subject: RE: My second REAL gig!
Thanks, so much, you folks! I think it depends on the audience about the intuitive stuff, but yeah, Jeff, could call it improv and it is wonderful! It's almost as though *Peaches* just says "play THIS" and I do. I used to make jewellrey with semi-precious stones, glass, etc. Each piece was for a specific client whom I took the time to get to know, to get a *feel* for. It seems as though that has transfer over to the improv stuff that comes out with my dulcimer. So far, folks have really liked it. I'll still do my set list, too, but the improv is what I love best.:-)

Wesley...I'll come in in a cloud of swirling incense and think of you!**bg**

Spot, I already am addicted to getting up in front of people and reciting/reading my writings or telling stories, so I doubt there's any hope for me. Even if there was a "Ham Actors Anon." I wouldn't join!

Seamus, I think I already have a broken foot, does that count?! Hope to get off the crutches/cane by next week!

Thanks, again, to you all!
