The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92266   Message #1767510
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish
23-Jun-06 - 10:34 AM
Thread Name: BBC Radio 2 Boards And Music Racism
Subject: RE: BBC Radio 2 Boards And Music Racism
This thread WAS about the fact that threads about folk and acoustic artists have been closed down on the Music Club on the BBC. They will remain closed I'm sure, as hey...people may start to talk on there if they re-open them! As I said earlier, BBC suppression and discrimination in action!

Obviously though, that's perfectly OK by loads of people, as this thread has become, as you say, yet another moaning thread about way of writing, how many !!!! I use, what percentage of threads I dared to start on the BBC...etc..etc..etc...


And THAT is why I asked the Moaning Ones to stay out of it....but er.....

Personally, over the last few days, I've lost the will to even bother anymore!!

From now on....I'll leave it to Jon and his pals......WHY should I even bother? WHY did I EVER bother?????

Put it back in it's box....for evermore....

There you go....