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Thread #92266   Message #1768224
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish
24-Jun-06 - 03:52 PM
Thread Name: BBC Radio 2 Boards And Music Racism
Subject: RE: BBC Radio 2 Boards And Music Racism
'passing through' wouldn't happen to be a BBC employee would you by any chance?????????

The first link you gave, is to me, the real eye-opener! The second one, yes...great! Well done Mark Radcliffe!!

Call me cynical....(and for legal reasons, the following is purely my opinion)....but could this sudden decision to hail the Music Club as the new and 'happening' place to talk about FOLK, have anything to do with the fact that this whole situation has been so appallingly handled that the BBC are now running **** scared of actually being legally accused of suppression and discrimination, at all?????????

I was told on Thursday by the BBC Central Community Team (Community????) that I would remain banned for the remainder of the week, as they had stated, and after that I could return to the boards, with full freedom of posting, and all 'pre-mod' lifted! This would stay, as long as I didn't continue to flood the BBC and Smooth Ops with e mails!!!!!! (?????????) I had **ONLY** written to them over and over, because my questions were NOT being them!!

They then suggested that I wrote in an entirely different way, or indeed in an entirely different place, as my 'glowing and lengthy posts' upset other members! (OH PLEASE!!!!! It is NOT compuslory to read them!!!!!!!! There are OTHER people 'OUT THERE', looking in, who do though!!!) And they would be very happy to recommend other boards to which I may be more suited

(Gosh! Do the BBC really have messageboards in Siberia then????) ;0)

And...they very kindly said this:

>>"We are taking steps to ensure that they do not begin a 'witch-hunt' against you."<<

Awwww shucks! Isn't that **sweet** of them!

But........'they' as in the Music Club 'they', began a 'witch hunt' against me from practically Post 1.....and it was allowed to continue, with the BBC's permission!!

Meanwhile, (back at the ranch) on the F&A board, the most appalling 'witch hunt' has been going on for well over two years!!!!!! AND...Not a SINGLE SOUL at the BBC has ever given a **** about it before...EVER! And ALL the posters who took part in it, have never been individually reprimanded, (I have though)..or pre-modded, (I have though) OR banned, (I have though) So...that's all fair and square and above board then isn't it!!!!!! The word HYPOCRITICAL does not even begin....EVEN BEGIN to describe how I feel about all this......There was even a poster who went over from the Music Club to start a thread called 'fingers in both ears' which was purely a personallly abusive thread....and yet he/she/it is still free to post!!!!!!!


However, I should point out that the first proper e mail I had from the Mods, which was NOT a 'standard pre-printed' "Your message has been removed because of....etc.etc." which is usually sent out to everyone who has a post removed, although not always and often days and days after it has happened...was from the BBC informing me that I had been banned. Yes!! Wonderful that wasn't it!! NOT A WORD OF EXPLANATION about any of my questions though.....

So THEN....I wrote back, once more, with the whole story....except that THIS time..I told them I was going to the Press, because I was so flamingly angry at their **disgusting behaviour**!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And what do you think happened???? Go on....guess????

YES!!!!!!!!!!!......A MIRACLE!! Glory Halleluliah!!!!!

Within an hour or so....I had a whole new email from them!!

And THAT is (in my ever so humble opinion) WHY the BBC are possibly now promoting the Music Club and linking it with Folk Music....because I think they are covering their yellow BBC backs, shaking in their crumbling BBC shoes, and quivering in their creaking BBC beds!!!!

Discrimination and Suppression has (IMO) taken place and will **continue** to take place until the threads on Show of Hands and Seth Lakeman are re-opened! I was repeatedly verbally and personally abused, apparently because I had DARED to bring folk artists to 'their' Music Board, and these posts were allowed to remain, *despite* them being personal and getting to the point of harrassment, which is *not* allowed on BBC boards. (HAH! Excuse me whilst I fall over sideways like Mrs Doyle..but in complete 'harrassment' hysteria!!)

From the BBC's behaviour, based on the fact that I repeatedly told them that this was happening, yet no action was taken, I can only deduce that the BBC was in total agreement with the thoughts of those posters...that being, that Folk Music Musicians were NOT for discussion on their board, otherwise they would have removed their posts or at the very least, answered my continued questions, as to who we were, and were not, apparently allowed to talk about on their board!

And **STILL** there is no explanation as to why those two threads are closed? There is STILL no explanation as to what happened to a thread about Sandy Thom and Show of Hands, (NOT from me by the way)....which appeared, disappeared, appeared and then....came back, I think closed....only to disappear AGAIN!!

The BBC Boards and the Modding of them are a complete and utter shambles!

Oh...and I told the BBC where they could stick their boards....AND their attitudes!!

If they seriously think that I am going to write as so many of their other posters do, which is, negatively, rudely, harrassingly, abusingly and disruptively....AND if they think that I am going to spend my days on there thinking of 'Best Of' lists or 'Songs for Cremations' (oh yes indeedy!)...whilst 'OUT HERE' there are hundreds of DEEPLY TALENTED musicians who DESERVE to be written about in 'glowing' terms and whose songs take me to a million different places, and who have such power and strength in their lyrics and such vision in their views on the present and the future...and also that of the past....And if they SERIOUSLY think that I would ever, EVER want to become like some of the posters who have hurled the most appalling verbal things at me for a very long time, (some of which I have admitted to hurling right back at them...but I was banned for this...and er...they weren't!).....then they are totally and utterly even more APPALLINGLY OUT OF CONTACT with the real world than even I had imagined!!!!!!!!

I refuse to write in BLACK AND WHITE!!!! I write as I write and I write in COLOUR!!! No-one *HAS* to read **anything**....there is very little 'community' in the BBC, mostly small, strong groups of dominating people who seek to 'control' those boards...

I would rather NEVER write again, than to EVER sell my Verbal Soul to the appalling, harrassing, bullying, rule-breaking, controlling, humourless, colourless, dumbed-down, unfeeling, obsessional, uncaring, hating, narrow-minded, mind-blowingly negative, jealous, bitter, pathetic and dictatorial PRATS who seem, in so many cases, (imo) to inhabit the BBC boards.

...and who are encouraged and permitted to be there by the BBC themselves!!!!!


Thank you very much.....
