The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91369   Message #1768331
Posted By: McGrath of Harlow
24-Jun-06 - 07:24 PM
Thread Name: BS: Football World Cup 2006
Subject: RE: BS: Football World Cup 2006
It does often seem to happen that a dodgy or plain wrong decision that favours one side is balanced later in the game by a similarly dodgy decisison the other way. Is this inexorable Karma, or do referees deliberately try to balance things out and restore some kind of rough justice?

And are they sometimes affected, when it comes to things like failing to give a red card, by a reluctance to spoil what promises to be an outstandingly good game? Which would have been the result tonight.

I know it isn't the same thing, but I can imagine a situation of musicians getting yellow and ultimately red cards for playing bum notes. That wouldn't be the best way to get good music.

There is a case for saying that a referee has a responsibility to help ensure that a good and enjoyable match takes place, and should have some limited freedom to adjust the strict interpretation of the rules to achieve that end.