The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92467   Message #1768535
Posted By: akenaton
25-Jun-06 - 03:54 AM
Thread Name: BS: 'Gay' parents?
Subject: RE: BS: 'Gay' parents?
Don...Alot of sense there.

BUT..."The cockup in this case was in the failure of social services to investigate allegations of abuse. The sexual orientation of the abuser is outwith the parameters of that, and rightly so."

Must take issue with you there.
In my opinion The "cockup" and failure of Social services was BECAUSE of the sexual orientation of the abusers.
This is exactly the point which I have been trying to bring out since the start of this thread.

If these people had been a conventional couple, Social services would have been quite rightly swarming all over them...(there had been other complaints about these men before the photographic evidense appeared)...But political correctness dictated that because of their sexual orientation, they were "handled with kid gloves"

Ebbie ...I'm sorry but I don'tunderstand the point you are making in your last post. I agree that appointed "parents" are not the same as natural parent, AND that child abusers can come from any sexual grouping
Maybe you could spare a minute to explain? either on the thread or by PM....Ake