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Thread #91476   Message #1768567
Posted By: GUEST,Jon
25-Jun-06 - 05:53 AM
Thread Name: Tech: WinXP New Deal
Subject: RE: Tech: WinXP New Deal
I had been singing the praises of Suse Linux in this thread. I got 10.1 and I've had problems with the online update. I found some details here

One thing that really gets me was reading this:

As we shipped SUSE Linux 10.1 we were aware of these quality issues and had already planned to release a online update. At that time we were confident that it would be possible to use all updater frontends to install this update.

I don't understand why they released it in that state with a suspect updater - there was no hury for the release and as far as I understand it, the biggest compliant with the old update system was that you couldn't install a new package from there - you had to install the old package from CD/DVD and then go online for patches - a minor problem compared to this.

I couldn't fix my problems the way suggested there - I think when I added a 3rd party update source the damn thing deleted the official update source in it's own tangle. Whatever, I wound up in a situation where I could not add any source I needed to get the patches to update the updater!!! and finished up doing the job by manual RPM updates, ignoring loads or dependency errors and hoping the job came out right.

It seemed to have come right but now once in a while I'm getting random reboots, often when I use the KDE equivilant of Windows File Manage and am not sure if it's something I mucked up or whether a patch introduced a problem...

Oh well, if things looked OK, I was going to update folkinfo to use php 5 and update everything else but as things stand, I'm leaving well alone.

Hope this is just a one off blip with them. I expect and have had excellent reliability with 9.2 and I'm quite annoyed about these hassles.