The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92482   Message #1768589
Posted By: GUEST
25-Jun-06 - 07:12 AM
Thread Name: Irish Republican ballads - need advice
Subject: RE: Irish Republican ballards - need advice
re why do I need it?

I'm making a video for an exhibition about the 50th anniversary of the Hungarian uprising.

In the film a small boy plays a PS2 game of a rebellion (in this case star wars battlefront) whilst a woman (his mothers) sits beside him and sings an Irish ballad dealing with rebellion. She's an opera singer and sings the song soprano without accompaniment. The work thus approaches the subject of rebellion obliquly by using documents of real and fictional rebellions. As she sings of an uprising of maybe 90 years ago her son takes part in an uprising set in the fiction of space. So it will be an operatic voice // folk melody // laser fire ambient sort of a soundtrack.
