The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92459   Message #1768713
Posted By: Azizi
25-Jun-06 - 12:03 PM
Thread Name: BS: Name That Mudcatter
Subject: RE: BS: Name That Mudcatter
Please help me out here.

Which is the correct answer to this question:

Which Mudcatters name sounds like her real initials?
K.T. or Emma B? Or both?

And which answer is correct for this question?
Which Mudcatter is colour co-ordinated right down to his skivvies?
Mr. Red or Mr. Duck or both

Also, I thought skivvies meant underwear, but Mo's comment about servants leds me to believe that maybe this may be another example of colloquialisms being different in different cultures.

skivvies=servants or underwear or both???