The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92329   Message #1768892
Posted By: GUEST,Nick Dow
25-Jun-06 - 04:21 PM
Thread Name: Recordings of Gypsies
Subject: RE: Recordings of Gypsies
Yes I can! The letter was in Folk Roots (where else?). Ian Anderson had published an article that I wrote about my discovery of a Dorset Based traditional singer who sang me over 100 songs. I put a number of the songs on a commercialy available tape at my own expense and Ian asked for a copy, then handed it to Rod Stradling who decided that since my singer (Bill house) was an old man of 84, I should never have published the songs, it was a crude money making attempt on my part,that the tape was not worth buying, that I was not a 'professional' collecter and lacked both education and training, and that I should leave the matter of recording Folk Songs to my betters. (i.e. him I suppose!), and worse than that I had abused my freindship with Bill. I made up my mind to give the bastard a smack in the mouth, but mellowed over the years, and was given a severe talking to by Nic Caffery, who said 'Sod him and all he stands for and do your own thing' I must admit that Stradling was the beginning of the end of my involvment on the folk scene. I carried on collecting for myself and my freinds really. Topic published some of it. However the Good News is Nic Caffery is going to act as a clearing house for all of those kind people who are interested in the songs and he will supply copies to you. Contact me and I'll give you Nics phone/e.mail
Lovely to hear from Helen! Memories of the Birmingham days! Thanks for the kind comments Helen they mean a lot.
kind regards
Nick Dow