The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92078   Message #1769159
Posted By: GUEST,HipflaskAndy
26-Jun-06 - 04:42 AM
Thread Name: rejuvenating old guitar strings.
Subject: RE: rejuvenating old guitar strings.
How you doing Strollin' One?
Thanks for the reply, lad .....but how are you?
PM me (aaargh - no cookie - seek a thread where I'm logged in properly? - this network here has reset everything again and won't play ball - as ever!)
- or email me via the website please,
for I hear you are having a spot of health probs again... sorry to hear it. Do let me know - when you've time.
Apologies for digression from thread, but I cannot find your email address at this place of torture (work) and seem unable to PM due to inability to log on - curse these networked PCs!
Hugs - Duncan