The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91369   Message #1769204
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
26-Jun-06 - 06:45 AM
Thread Name: BS: Football World Cup 2006
Subject: RE: BS: Football World Cup 2006
We were particularly pleased that England were top of their table - It meant they played on the 'right' day for those of us with the Abram Morris dance on Saturday! I watched thr match yesterday afternoon and thought we were going to be on our way home after the first half - But that Beckham bloke certainly pulled one out of the hat didn't he! Nearly made up for that infamous missed penalty...

On the crowd behavior side. I was lucky enough to have done some work in Stuttgart for a few days. While I was there it was the time that lots of young men were either going into or coming out of the army - Can't remember which. There were dozens of them all staggering around the town squares, chanting and singing and... Shaking the hands of complete strangers, kissing the hands of old ladies and behaving generaly far better than most yobs in Manchester on Saturday night! It isn't football that causes the yobs. But it certainly seems to give our particular ones a good excuse:-(

Anyhow, back to far more serious topics. My prediction is now definitely on track. 40 years on revenge will be sweet. England and Germany in the final. Germany will win 4-2 after extra time. Wolfgang, what is the German for "Some people are on the pitch. They think it's all over. It is now!"


:D (tG)