The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92467   Message #1769236
Posted By: John P
26-Jun-06 - 08:03 AM
Thread Name: BS: 'Gay' parents?
Subject: RE: BS: 'Gay' parents?
You dismissed my last post in this thread by saying:

" are a devious person who cares more about imagined wrongs to self-made minority, than the very real danger posed to vulnerable children.
"Your sexual perversion is demonstrated by your public interest in what other people are doing in bed."

I have no interest whatsoever in what you or your friends do in bed, but I have very great concern as to what they do to our children."

I notice that you don't actually respond to any of the points I made. You just attack me as a person, call me devious (huh?), spell my name wrong, and apparently assume I'm gay. Well, I know it's pointless to debate with someone whose debating style consists of ignoring arguments and attacking people, but I can't help making one more try. If nothing else, it will be an opportunity to prove once again that you're not interested in logic or in facts. So far your posts are heavy in emotional content and not much else.

Here are some specific questions:

1) In what way is any discussion of homosexuality not a discussion of what other people are doing in bed?

2) In what way is this any of your business?

3) What clear evidence do you have that homosexuals are more likely than any other group to be pedophiles?

4) How does what other people do in bed have any effect on your life?

5) Given that you are eager to have conversations about what other people are doing in bed, why should we not view you as some sort of bizarre voyeur?

6) Fair is fair . . . can we talk about what you do in bed?

7) You seem to be describing the gay rights movement as "imagined wrongs to self-made minority". Do you really beleive that gay folks passed all the anti-gay laws on the books? Who made the minority? Before we had civil rights laws that helped remove the institutional subjugation of black people, were they a "self-made minority", or were they a group being held down by laws made by people who despised them for what they were?

John Peekstok