The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92266   Message #1769355
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish
26-Jun-06 - 11:08 AM
Thread Name: BBC Radio 2 Boards And Music Racism
Subject: RE: BBC Radio 2 Boards And Music Racism
What a pleasant post Peter. Thank you so much.

I can assure you however, that despite being told I can have complete freedom back in a few days, I will not ever be returning to the BBC boards again. The ONLY reason that this decision was taken, in my view, is that I said I was going to the papers about all this. Up until that moment, I had not heard any answers to my questions. As you say, a sudden decision, but hardly strange, under the circumstances I think.

It is SO easy to sit and preach about what you should or shouldn't do isn't it Peter? Especially when YOU are merely sitting there reading/enjoying it all. However, when you are the very subject of such personal verbal abuse, it is a *very* different case I'm afraid.
Yes, we did once have 'fun' posts, right at the beginning, why you even sent me your CD, but then....things got bad, mainly because I just wouldn't go away! I completely foiled what, in my view, was an attempt to take over that board and just use it for discussion on English Traditional Folk Music and nothing else. And so...I became the 'fun football' to be kicked around the board, from English Traditioal poster to English Traditional poster...round and round they all went "Wheeeeeeeee!" Didn't they all have a great time!

But, what you have said above is no different from a teacher saying to a child, "Look, we know this is happening, but really dear, it would be *so* much better for all of us, if you just took it on the chin dear...That way, we can all get on with our lives and not have to worry....So be a good girl and let them hit you, let them punch you, let them tell lies about you, let them abuse you....but please, good and don't try and fight them! Oh yes, and be an even sweeter dear and stop talking about things that incense fact dear, it's probably best if you just don't talk at all. Yes, I think that might be the best dear...because you see, if you don't talk *at all* then we can all have a lovely life and everything will be rosy again"

Well ****** *THAT* for a game of soldiers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do you SERIOUSLY think that I have no feelings Peter??? Have you or others EVER stopped, for one second, to EVER think how *any* of this has really made me feel???

Well, it seems to me that you at least were far too damned busy siding along with Jon during Bullying Fortnight on the F&A board, when a torrent of abuse poured down on me from a gang of 'hoodies' and not one person from the BBC came on to stop it!

WHERE WERE YOU during that time Peter???

You talk to me of 'loyalty and support' REALLY??????????????? So where were you when Fiona started her 'That woman is a Troll and I WILL make everyone believe it!" campaign? so long ago, and which she has continues to this day! (God alone knows why though!!!!)

Loyalty? Support? Hah!

I was one person who dared to challenge you all. ONE person against MANY! It was totally, utterly, completely wrong and deeply shameful.....but NEVER did I start any of it!

SO...I suggest that you take your words to the very people who WERE responsible for it all in the *first* place!! Over and over, the whole gang stick fast together in telling ME things, yet none of YOU ever look in the mirror.....Go and preach to the *very people* who started it all Peter....but please DO NOT preach to me!!!

I have no time for lily-livered people who turn away, when something SO wrong is happening! There are far too many of them around in this world at present!! If something is WRONG then I will damn well stand up and say it!!!!

And as for this pompous statement:

>>The prospect of your return will certainly mean that my decision to no longer participate in a board that once was fun and informative will hold.<<

I can assure you that I would NEVER, *EVER* choose to share one centimetre of that board, with you or any of your pals **ever** again!!!! So, I suggest you go back to your FUN and INFORMATIVE board as quickly as you possibly can.

Because the 'glowing' lengthy posts will glow no more, you now have a wondrously 'grey' board again...No Smilies, Meg Ryan or otherwise, No Swooning, No Smooching, No Giggles, No Chuckles, no Winks, No Sidmouth, No Beautiful Days, No Dartmoor, No talking of Artists anymore, No Folkwaves, No Radio Britfolk, just thread after thread on 'Cambridge and Cremations'.....and not even a 'Board Fun Football' any more.....


And DO NOT tell me what I CAN or CANNOT talk about on THIS board please, because that ONLY works on the BBC where others rights to abuse/disrupt/belittle and/or humiliate me is *wholly* permitted, but my right to reply is apparently *wholly* curtailed!!

Again, thank you so much for your post.....and now, if you'll excuse me I'm just off to put my Eleanor Roosevelt Knickers on once more:

"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent"

Ahh...that's better!

