The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92467   Message #1769600
Posted By: akenaton
26-Jun-06 - 05:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: 'Gay' parents?
Subject: RE: BS: 'Gay' parents?
Well well, I see the lyvch mob has been working itself up into a right little frenzy while I've been out at work.
Some of the comments have been so ridiculous that they dont deserve a response, especially Peekstock who is total obsessed by homosexual sex.
Or is his post just a sly attempt to muddy the waters so that any real attempt to debate this issue is drowned out by the usual cries of bigot homophobe ect

Interesting how so many Mudcatters have been unwilling to give their opinions here. Well done you ragbag of Social workers and apologists for child molesters, the lynch mob mentality must be having the desired effect

I dont believe that there is anyone in their right mind (that lets out quite a number of the above) who want to see young children handed over to male homosexual couples, but the powerful homosexual lobby has been so successful in seducing the public that political correctness now rules common sense.
Like the majority here on mudcat, people are becomming afraid to raise objection to anything which offends them and their lives are set by the most powerful pressure groups

As I've said before, I hope I am wrong, but I think before too long most of you will have cause to eat your words.

As an example, one of the most ridiculous statements
"This whole thread troubles me. I think most of us are aware that the majority of pedophiles are heterosexual males, yet no one seems to object to heterosexual couples adopting. Hmmmm?"

I'll leave the "intellectually challenged" to work it out for yourselves....Ake