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Thread #92266   Message #1769605
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish
26-Jun-06 - 05:36 PM
Thread Name: BBC Radio 2 Boards And Music Racism
Subject: RE: BBC Radio 2 Boards And Music Racism
Right...and here IS the explanation. First of all, the post, one above this was sent in error...I meant to press 'Blue Clicky' but it's right underneath 'submit' so.....I sent it in error....didn't actually mean to include all those threads, I just put some of them down and did the connections, then I was going to sort out one or two and post...but no matter...too late now. answer to Diane Easby's post above (countess richard) Firstly, I'm surprised I have to even explain this one at all. Yes, I have a Myspace page, and I am permitted to have one. Now, I realise that this is incredibly irritating for Bullies R Us, as they can't actually 'get' to me over there! So....I guess the next best thing is to do it in here instead....obviously Diane's new angle is to twist my Myspace page.

It won't work Diane.

My page is not about me. That is the whole point! I didn't ever want it to be about me. IT IS ABOUT THE MUSIC AND THE MUSICIANS.....and the power they I have explained in full here:   

Liam, above, is quite correct, I *have* put in many links to musicians who are not yet in Myspace, as I wanted to give them a 'voice' amongst the 85 million people who are already in there.
Of course I don't know 670 musicians personally, but that is not what it is about at all. My 'harvest' is now being spread all around the world. Just as I am finding out about music in Senegal or Russia, they are now finding out about music over here...that is how Myspace works and it is wonderful! I want to give a 'voice' to as many great musicians as I can, nothing more, nothing less.

MY page is about 'spreading the word' and that is all. I KNOW, because I have access to the amount of viewings that I get on there, that my page, as I'm sure many others in Myspace are, is now being viewed by dozens of people on a daily basis. I'm up to 1,985 viewings as of a few seconds ago, but you're going to have to take my word for that I'm afraid. Musicans have their viewings on their front page....the rest of us do not, it is on out 'Home' page.

'Spreading the word' is ALL I have EVER been about Diane. But I chose to do it with humour, love and many words. I really do love this music, with a passion....yet YOU have all decided that I don't...Don't ask *me* why...ask *yourselves* It makes no sense at all to me I'm afraid.

I'd like to know why Fiona took it upon herself to behave as she did, WHY she changed from someone who I had always had a pleasant natter to now and again, she didn't used to post very often, to the flaming, fearsome witch-hunter that she became. reality, it doesn't really matter at all. It's all over now, to quote The Stones......

And far from disrupting anything that is so wrong, as you know....time and again any thread I started was deliberately ruined, by the usual suspects. The evidence is all on the BBC boards, this is NOT something that has taken place in private, this has all happened out in the open, where it can be tracked back.

And far from being a troll, I have written thousands of words and started dozens of threads, about a huge variety of artists, radio stations, dancers, festivals etc...all to try and give support and information. Just last year on here I fought a long and bloody verbal battle for Sidmouth to continue. You and your friends wanted it ruined and you did everything you could to try and achieve that.   It opened my eyes to what you are really opened my eyes to many of you.....and all I wanted to do was keep shouting out about Sidmouth, whilst you put it down at every turn.

Sidmouth was and still is HUGELY important in many people's lives. It is now going from strength to strength once more, the people who fought so hard to keep it going last year, had to do so under tremendous pressure, and it wasn't helped by the outright nastiness that you and your gang spewed over various boards, twisting, spinning,lying, creating doubt and negativity at every turn....utterly appalling. And it is ONLY because of that team of people, their hard work and dedication, and that alone, that has enabled YOU to decide that you are now coming to Sidmouth this year, although how you can even dare to show your face, I don't know. For without them there may well have been no Sidmouth, *ever* again!

And if you want to know how I KNOW that they read things that were being said, your words, Stephen Wozniak's words and many other 'hoodies' well and how it upset them, well I'll tell you. My husband was on the committee last year for Sidmouth....this year he is one of the directors, not a grand title, there are many directors of Sidmouth, but I'm aware of a lot that went on, from the inside out, just as I am this year.

Not bad for 'a troll' eh?

My feelings about last year, the rows, the bitterness, the hope and finally the love and support from many kind people on Mudcat for Sidmouth, resulted in the link below. It was NOT done, as I'm sure you and Fiona have 'decided' amongst your bitter selves, for me to become a Messageboard Megastar at all, but purely because *something* DROVE me to do it. It was almost as if the festival itself wanted to shout out "HERE I AM....YOU DIDN'T KILL ME OFF!"...and so..I just helped Sidmouth Folk Week to have a voice:

Live From Sidmouth:

Every day I scuttled back here to the computer to put it all on the board, because I had been so deeply upset at the whole appalling fiasco......And then YOU and YOUR GANG *dare* to tell me that I do not love this music?

I feel nothing anymore for any of you. Not hatred, not anger, not disgust, just a complete and utter void. You are all of no consequence or meaning to me anymore, whatsoever.

You do not love this music as I do, you merely use it to abuse, belittle and bully. But, it is your freedom to do that...and so I will leave you to it. I hope you will all be very happy together on your new fun and lively board. I wish you all well.

And now, from my point of view, there is nothing further I want to say in here....but I'm sure you have more venom to spit out, so....I will let you do just that.

Many thanks
