The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92467   Message #1770161
Posted By: GUEST,RB
27-Jun-06 - 09:54 AM
Thread Name: BS: 'Gay' parents?
Subject: RE: BS: 'Gay' parents?
Having read this whole discussion, I agree that it doesn't seem like there's much actual consideration of other views (on either side of the discussion) going on, but I feel I should put in my two cents anyway...
1)I was raised by two heterosexuals, but had quite a few gay friends in school (I'm female, and they were lesbians). They never made a pass at me once. They knew I wasn't interested, and frankly, they weren't interested in me that way either. Just as a heterosexual person is not required to make a pass at every person of the opposite gender they see, neither is a homosexual person required to make a pass at every person of the same gender they see. That's just common sense, and I've seen plenty of proof to uphold it.

2)My husband and I were accused by some very bigoted firefighters of harming our child because they happened to see some swords hanging on the walls and candles in the basement. They assumed that we were satanists, and that this naturally meant we were bad parents. Luckily, not only did the social worker follow up on these claims, as absurd as they were, but she had the common sense not to follow the same faulty logic. At least in the US, I think social workers for the most part do as they are supposed to by law, and that is follow up every claim of child molestation or abuse, and investigate it thoroughly, and make a decision based on those observations.
Apparently in this case, those observations were wrong, but as has been mentioned above, pedophiles, like other repeat criminals, are good at covering their tracks.

3)I know a pair of homosexuals who are currently raising a foster child. They are very good and very loving parents with no thought in their heads of ever abusing the child in question (who is the same gender as they are), and in fact ARE a better choice than the biological parents (who are very much unable to raise the child, and uninterested in doing so properly). However, because the court is more interested in the child being with biological relatives than being in a good home, the child will probably end up with the biological parents after all, and will probably be abused and neglected, given their current track record.

4) In response to a much earlier post, Yes, there is a difference between biological parents and foster parents, but I suspect that what you meant was that biological is better. It entirely depends on the situation. Sometimes foster parents are better, no matter what their sexual orientation is. Sometimes they aren't. But I wouldn't make any kind of generalization regarding foster/biological, gay/straight, color of skin, religion, or gender, because it simply isn't something you can generalize about. Every family is different, and every family has its own problems.

5)sure, it's hard to explain to the child or for the child to explain to other children how they come to have two mothers or two fathers instead of the "normal" one of each, but these days it's just as hard to explain how one comes to have two of each or two of one and one of another, or no parents at all but a grandparent. Any of these situations is becoming more and more prevalent, so someday it may be harder for the kid with one of each to explain why that's the case.

Just for clarification, when I say "you", I'm referring to those who don't agree with my viewpoint, of which there seem to be a few.

And I do agree that it's a little silly to complain that people aren't agreeing with you, when you post something this bigoted to a list that is predominantly made up of relatively liberal people. Libertarian is not, in fact, synonymous with Liberal, as I think most of us know.
It's even sillier to say something like that when most of the people here seem to be doing their best to be open-minded and to have a good discussion, rather than a bitch session, despite you occasionally responding in an argumentative rather than discussionary way.
My two cents (or more like 20).