The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92534   Message #1770194
Posted By: GUEST
27-Jun-06 - 10:20 AM
Thread Name: BS: Racist Capital of Europe
Subject: RE: BS: Racist Capital of Europe
I have never understood why Paisley hasn't been jailed for some of his speeches.
The British should just hand the whole kit and cabooble over to Dublin where it belongs. Just set a date and stick to it, they'll get used to it fast enough if it's a done deal.
The Labour Party will have to be the ones to do it because the Tories depend on Unionist MPs to make up their numbers in Parliament.
Anyone who doesn't want to live under Irish rule can move to Britain and Britain can pay relocation expenses for the bigots (not that we want them either).
Why have successive governments allowed the current situation to drag on for so long? We don't need Northern Ireland so why not do the decent thing and restore one island, one Ireland as it should be.
PS I'm English.