The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92486   Message #1770567
Posted By: SINSULL
27-Jun-06 - 05:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: Forced helplessness
Subject: RE: BS: Forced helplessness
I watched the video and am truly baffled at some of the information presented. "We found the black boxes"/"The black boxes were destroyed". Melting point of steel vs. heat of burning fuel. Missing gold. Molten steel found in the basements of three buildings. Warnings from Condi Rice not to fly on 9/11. Unclaimed profits from sales of stock on 9/10. Missing minutes on the black box played for families of victims of the PA crash.Dead hijackers who are not dead...and on and on and on. Explosions throughout the towers. Damage to the reception area that couldn't be caused by the plane crash.
Too much to absorb in one viewing. I need time to see it again and think it through.
The biggest problem to me is where are the passengers on Flight 93? Murdered? Forced to create false calls? Something is very unlikely there.HMMM