The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92550   Message #1770841
Posted By: M.Ted
28-Jun-06 - 01:12 AM
Thread Name: BS: Pre Fix Dinner businesses
Subject: RE: BS: Pre Fix Dinner businesses
I'm not getting what the "need" is for this--it isn't convenience, because you have to schedule time and go there, follow their recipes, cook in their space, and shlep stuff back home and freeze it--it isn't cost, because it isn't cheap--and cooking frozen stuff often takes an hour or so(unless you nuke it, but that can kill the flavor and texture of a lot of things), so you don't really save any time--

Only thing I can see is if you are fixing food for someone who is sick or maybe, as mentioned above, preparing a quantity of something that takes a while for a party or something, but it isn't really set up to do that--