The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92486   Message #1770852
Posted By: GUEST
28-Jun-06 - 01:44 AM
Thread Name: BS: Forced helplessness
Subject: RE: BS: Forced helplessness
12,000 people kept the Manhattan Project secret for years. No one outside the project knew until the atom bombs went off in Japan. Govts can keep secrets.

And it wasn't any 12,000 that did the deed on 911. Hundreds, maybe a couple thousand.

And the black boxes were found, by the way. Two were in each plane, and fire fighters said they saw three loaded into trucks and hauled off. Then the media simply tells you they weren't recovered. You must be 'imagining things' if you think otherwise. But the media is owned by the corporate/govt monster and lies to you. It puts your brain to sleep electronically (seriously...fact), and it then uses ever conscious and subconscious technique you've ever read or heard about to feed the govt's line of BS to you.

The TRUTH is the bldgs in NYC defied the laws of physics if they fell the way the govt says they did. The US govt perpetrated 911, the British govt did the subway bombings, the Spanish govt did the Madrid bombings. It's how govts keep us under control, by pretending to "protect" us from outside threats. Oldest call in the playbook.

Waking up to the truth is difficult. Most people go back to sleep the moment they suspect it.