The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92550   Message #1770944
Posted By: JohnInKansas
28-Jun-06 - 05:03 AM
Thread Name: BS: Pre Fix Dinner businesses
Subject: RE: BS: Pre Fix Dinner businesses
As a practical comment, I would disagree with the notion that one needs a big freezer to participate in this kind of preparation.

Only someone without a freezer would be unaware of the axiom that 15% of what goes into a freezer never comes out of the freezer.

If you fix 12 entrees and put them in the freezer, something will come up one or two days during the time alloted for consumption, and one or two of the entrees will remain in the bottom of the freezer.

You will fix 12 more entrees of which one or two will remain in the bottome of the freezer.

You will ... - well I think you get the idea.

A small freezer that makes it easy to reach the stuff in the bottom is much more convenient for the annual (or oftener) "eat whatever comes out" week (the "eat" part being preferably limited to things identifiable, or for which you can at least make a good guess) so you can resume the accumulating.

A large freezer will tempt you to continue accumulating until you not only cannot identify the lumps of "stuff" in the bottom, you will have forgotten even how they got there - much less know when.

A tentative additional observation would be that anyone likely to benefit from a progam of this kind shouldn't have anything in the freezer compartment of their refrigerator to begin with, and most "modern" refrigerators have at least a couple of cubic feet of freezer space. That's more than enough space for a couple of weeks (or more) worth of good eating, if you get rid of the lollipops, Dove bars, stale half-empty ice cream cartons, TV dinners, microwave tater tots, the half-carton of "Cool Whip" from Thanksgiving (1994) etc. (I'd have to look to see what she's added to make a complete list. ;>} )

I'm afraid I'd have trouble with planning for a week though, since most individual meals I start turn out to be something different by the time they're finished. I do shop rarely, and buy in quantity; and I break down meal ingredients to sizes convenient for doing "whatever" (my favorite recipe) with them when the time comes.

I'd have to give additional serious thought to "corollary consequences" before participating in this style of preparation.
