The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92515   Message #1771076
Posted By: HuwG
28-Jun-06 - 09:05 AM
Thread Name: BS: Army Discipline - UK
Subject: RE: BS: Army Discipline - UK
Army discipline does depend as much on characters as it does on regulations and tradition.

One RSM I knew (oddly enough, from the Royal Welch Fusiliers) went by the nickname of "Porky"; undistinguished-looking, barely over minimum regulation height, mildly-spoken. Yet, when he raised an eyebrow, the battalion dared not breathe while in ranks; and if he frowned, nervous soldiers left puddles.

By contrast, another (Coldstream Guards) would spend hours bellowing purple-faced, send a steady stream of soldiers to the guardroom and contrive to leave the parade a mutinous shambles.

The same with officers; there are the strict but fair, the strict but unfair, the easy-going but fair, and Royal Corps of Signals Officers.


I do recall that the goats which were the regimental mascots of the Royal Regiment of Wales (one regular, two territorial battalions in those days) were kept at Maindy Barracks in Cardiff. Soldiers stationed there spoiled them rotten. I wondered why they were kept at Maindy (which isn't far from the city centre) when the actual regimental depot was at Crickhowell in the Black Mountains, lovely open country.